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13 Spring St. Elgin IL

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El programa MADE de Side Street Studio Arts es una oportunidad para que los artistas y creadores locales vendan y exhiban obras de arte en una excelente tienda física y en línea del centro de la ciudad. Aquí trabajamos para incorporar nuevas ideas innovadoras sobre el uso del espacio, el modelado y exhibición de negocios minoristas, el marketing y el desarrollo económico. Mire a continuación para obtener más información sobre a quién mostramos y cómo agregar su trabajo a MADE.


Adrián Mesino
Alex Fox
Alicia Duda
Amanda Dávila
Andres Vo
Anna Lentz - Springbird
Aybee Russell
Bobby Rowland
Brian Garbrecht

Gato Chino 663
Conor Goetz
Estudios Crighton
David Bremer
Danielle Piloto
Vidrio DigDoug
David Hanson
Erin Cramer
Esperanza Salgado
Fe Rasmussen

Arte de arroyo fósil
Freddy Lagunas
Gail Azinger
Jabón de gato gris Co

Harper Veresiuk
Flores de terror
Ivette De Santiago
Janelle Rae
Javi Azuna
Jennifer Hauser
Jesús Rocha
John Downey
Juan francés
Karl Jahnke
Kirstin Dunlap
Melina Scott
Michelle Brinkley
Natalie Pivoney
Nicki Fortunati
Laboratorios de arte excéntricos
Fiesta de lástima - Kris French
Raquel Balter

mirada sabia
Susanne Strom
Arte Teamato - Sam Miller
Teresa Nollette
Tom Hill
Yesenia Arroyo
¡Y más!



MADE Application

MADE is curated, with a preference for under-represented artists in the community. However, all artists are invited to apply.

Due to store capacity, some applications may be waitlisted. Contact with any questions. 

Do You Identify as Part of a Underrepresented Group? (i.e. LGBTQIA, BIPOC, AAPI, etc.)
Prefer not to say
Would you be interested in working MADE Hours?

Art Sales/Commission Information

60% of the total sale will go back to the artist and 40% will remain with Side Street Studio Arts NFP after the following has been removed:

Sales tax equivalent to 8.5% per sale (2024 Kane County Tax Rate, eligible to change each year)

Credit Card fee 2.7% (When applicable)

For every 10 hours worked, the commission split to the artist goes up 5%

Please note, hours will not be rounded up. Any amount under the increment of 10 will stay in that commission structure.

Commission limit = 80/20.

Submission Fee
5 US$
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