Something Wicked... 12
Side Street Studio Arts' 12th Annual Something Wicked... a variety of art media whose subject matter is meant to instill a combined sense of wonder, awe, and perhaps a little dread.
This exhibition is open to the public October 4 - October 27, 2024, with an Opening Reception on Friday, October 4 from 6-10 pm.
Aaron Sorensen @arsorensen
Abby Franke @afranke_art
Abby King @walrustown
Adam Grewenig @dam_beatnik
Alex Gilgan @sablerosedesigns
Alisa Duda @alisa.theartist
Ami Schneider @Voxxy_The_Artist
Antonio Mestas @mestasartwork
Arnaldo Utrera @aldoelgin
Ashley Butcher @ashleybutcherart
Bay Kennedy @baykennedy13
Brad Cahill @churchofdust
Cam Sury @nightjar_comics
Christopher Palm @blackeye975
Erika Janssen @Dayofthedollies
Erin Cramer @erincramerart
Harrison Bending
Horror Floral @horror_floral
Jamie Addams @jamnjla71
Julia Kemerer @juliakemererart
Karl Jahnke @karlmjahnke
Ken Simonsen @psymonsenstudios
Kimberly Lloyd @pleasantly_bewildered
Kitt Beier @kitt.beier
Lisa Karels @motherofcadencetaylor
Megan Manske @Megandowntherabbithole
BaM! (Bruce Bachelder & Mike Rende)
Pamela Seatter @pamelaseatter
Patrick Carroll
Ruby Montgomery @rubee_monty
Ryan Klopfenstein @Ryansklopfenstein
Sam The Jam @Samthejam_artist
Sara Commo @sarajeancommoart
Sara Peak Convery @sara.peak.convery
Shannon Carlson @shannimarieboutique
Trai Orthal @Sweetstrangeheart
Valencia Baez @Shinta_Zan
Visit us on Facebook or Instagram for more info on the event and SW artists!